CFE Finance: takeover bid on CIP Merchant Capital Ltd – listed on the AIM of the London Stock Exchange AIM segment – successfully closed

Investment banking boutique CFE Finance announces the closure of its takeover of CIP Merchant Capital, the closed-end investment company listed on the London Stock Exchange AIM. CFE is invested in a variety of credit market strategies, and currently has é1.5 billion of assets under management. CIP focuses on listed European Irms. Mario Cordoni, chief executive of CFE Finance, commented: “The success of this takeover bid consolidates CFE Finance’s positioning on the Inancial market, in line with our strategic objectives. The broad feedback received from the market conIrms the validity of our offer, which successfully ended within the initially announced deadline. The transaction will allow CFE to diversify its portfolio, improve the integration with CIP business model and create signiIcant value for all stakeholders.”
