RiverRock, a company of the CFE Finance Group, has been nominated for the ESG Investing Awards.

RiverRock selected as a finalist at the ESG Investing Awards…
21 January 2025/by samantha

The market analysis by Alessandro Cominelli on Milano Finanza

Mr Cominelli provided an analysis of the key financial developments…
19 December 2024/by samantha

CFE Finance Group reorganises its Finance Team

Two important developments within CFE Finance Group reflect the…
17 December 2024/by samantha

Milano Finanza – Alessandro Cominelli’s analysis on bitcoin, NVIDIA and gold

Invited as a guest speaker on Class CNBC, Mr Cominelli, Executive…
21 November 2024/by samantha

CFE Finance Group acquires 100% of TechStar, a leader in the Metaverse

28 October 2024/by atelierssud

Alessandro Cominelli’s analysis on Class CNBC

Mr Cominelli, Executive Director of CFE Finance Group, provided…
11 October 2024/by samantha

Happy Birthday CFE S.A.M.!

7 June 2024/by atelierssud

Decades of Financial Excellence: Marco Paternò Castello Explores CFE Finance Group’s journey and growth strategies

11 December 2023/by atelierssud

Once again, CFE Finance Group had the honor of joining the Foreign Press Association in London to support press freedom

20 November 2023/by atelierssud

Launch of our innovative virtual office in the metaverse

1 June 2023/by atelierssud

Supporting young people has always been a fundamental priority for CFE Finance Group

30 May 2023/by atelierssud

CFE Finance Group supports the Satya Oblette project

20 March 2023/by atelierssud

Independent investment banking group buys majority stake in alts boutique

18 October 2022/by atelierssud

CFE Finance Group: takeover bid on CIP Merchant Capital Ltd – listed on the AIM of the London Stock Exchange AIM segment – successfully closed

28 April 2022/by atelierssud

Interviewed by Fundtruffle, Marina Ryabokon and Anna Sizova, CFE’s Fixed income experts, discussed about the CFE positions in global financial markets.

28 March 2022/by atelierssud

Mario Cordoni, founding CEO of CFE Finance, in an interview with the business newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, expressed his opinion on a possible default by Russia

16 March 2022/by atelierssud

Mario Cordoni, founding CEO of CFE Finance comments the Venezuelan’s crisis

2 February 2022/by atelierssud

Giuseppe Leppi, Managing Director in Emerging Markets in CFE UK makes an analysis of the situation after BREXIT

28 January 2022/by atelierssud

CFE Finance supports Bazar International de Luxembourg which promotes charitable associations throughout the world

6 January 2022/by atelierssud

CFE Finance joins Time2 foundation to combat prejudice and exclusion linked to diversity and disability

15 November 2021/by atelierssud

CFE Finance supports and invests in new technologies by acquiring 49% of Techstar Srl

3 November 2021/by atelierssud

CFE Finance invests in NewCleo, the startup created by prof. Stefano Buono aiming at the production of clean, renewable and safe energy

20 October 2021/by samantha

The founding CEO of CFE Finance, Mario Cordoni, speaks on Milano Finanza to comment on the bonds on health loans

2 October 2021/by atelierssud

CFE Finance invests in Luxembourg corporate service provider Luxembourg Fund Services S.A.

17 September 2021/by atelierssud

CFE Finance completes co-investment in regulated and independent corporate service provider, Luxembourg Fund Services S.A.

17 September 2021/by atelierssud

Covid and Trade Finance. In an interview on Le Fonti Advisory Update, Mario Cordoni, CEO founding of CFE Finance tells us what will change according to him

11 March 2021/by atelierssud

CFE Finance was included among the top 300 companies in the special “FT 1000: Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies” ranking of 2021 which analyzes the performance of millions of companies

3 March 2021/by acey

Massimiliano Piunti, Chief Operator Officer and Director of Trade Finance at CFE, comments on the Group’s Trade Finance position in world markets

25 February 2021/by acey

Mario Cordoni, CEO and founder of CFE Finance, explains the operation and history of the Club de Paris in Economy Magazine

4 February 2021/by atelierssud

Interviewed by a reporter from Private Talk, founding CEO, Mario Cordoni, expresses himself on the values ​​that drive the Group CFE Finance

29 January 2021/by atelierssud

Mario Cordoni, founder CEO of CFE Finance, speaks in La mia Finanza about the centrality of Trade Finance in the current global economic context

28 December 2020/by atelierssud

Mario Cordoni, CEO and founder of CFE Finance, speaks about the centrality of Trade Finance in the current global economic context in an interview with Global Banking and Finance

28 December 2020/by acey

Duccio Duranti, Managing Director at CFE Finance, in an interview with Fundeye, gives an overview of the market of the main investment classes in the current economic situation

12 September 2020/by acey

Why CFE Finance is in Luxembourg? Because it’s a country that has played a fundamental role in opening the markets to the distribution of international funds and in providing European retail and institutional clients with access to international investments

21 April 2020/by acey

CFE Finance is always close to ecological sports that give importance to young people and nature

14 February 2014/by atelierssud

CFE and young artists

14 January 2014/by atelierssud

Access to education and support for young people, a CFE Finance priority since ever

14 April 2012/by atelierssud